Sunday, September 26, 2010

Declaration of Independence

   The people of Heaven's Oasis formed this utopia for less pollution.  More freedom is another reason it was formed.  A lot of us wanted to start a new utopia with some new rules.  We wanted to be totally independent so we did not have to trade with other places for things we wanted or needed.  We started the utopia in land that had everything we needed to survive, which most places don't have everything they need.
   We wanted to advance in technology a lot more than most places.  We do not have roads, only rivers and Eco-friendly teleporters to stop polluting the planet.  We wanted a new place that was not already polluted.  We found a great place to start a new utopia, which encouraged the people to make a new one even more.  The presidents of a lot of places have lied about what they were going to do, which we want to change.  These are the reasons for forming a new utopia.

Journal Entries

   I woke up, got dressed,  and ate breakfast. Then I went outside and saw some of my friends playing soccer.  So I went over to my friends and joined in.  A couple of hours later we decided to play kickball.  We played that until it was time for lunch.  After lunch we all went inside and played video games until dinner.  After dinner we played football.  We all got tired so everyone went back home for the night.  I watched TV for a little while then went to bed.

 I woke up, got dressed, and ate breakfast.  Then my family and I went to church.  After church we went home and ate lunch.  Then we all went to the dock and got in a sailboat to go through the community's canals, like we do every Sunday.  It was late when we got back so we ate dinner.  After that we all went in the living room and played a board game.  Once we finished the game I went to bed.

Today I got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, then walked through the teleporter to go to school.  I went to my classroom and I learned about language, math, science, and social studies.  We had lunch in the middle of math and I sat in the cafeteria with my friends.  After school I went home and my friends and I decided to play football.  A couple of hours later, a loud bell rang throughout the community, which meant it was time to go back home for dinner.  We said the blessing and started eating.  After dinner I was pretty tired so I decided to stay at home for the rest of the night and a little while later I went to bed.

Letter to a friend

Dear friend,
   You should come to my utopia.  One reason you should come is that the beaches are so nice.  Another reason is that all of the factories are safe for the environment.  We also grow all of our food.  We also have the biggest and best amusement park in the whole world.
    There are no vehicles for transportation because they can be harmful to the planet.  We have teleporters that are safe for the planet instead.  The teleporters are the size of a cellphone and you put them on the ground and they expand into a teleporter that you can walk through.  Before you walk through it you type in where you want to go on a keyboard on the side of it and then walk through the teleporter and you are there.
   The people who live in my utopia all have a job or go to school.  You get free food as long as you contribute to the community in some way.  Everything is recycled in Heaven's Oasis.  We also have sailboats in case you want to go sailing through the many canals of the community.  These are just some of the many reasons you should live in my community.

Friday, September 24, 2010


These are some of the wonderful things Heaven's Oasis has.  So come to Heaven's Oasis for a wonderful life.

Governing Body

My utopia is a democracy. My utopia only has ten rules, currently.  Everyone thirteen and older can vote for what will happen.  I am the president and a group of people advise me.  This is the type of government my utopia has.


School and work are on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Church is on Sunday.
12:00 a.m.-7:00 a.m.  Sleep.
7:00  a.m.-8:00 a.m.  Eat breakfast.
8:00  a.m.-8:15  a.m.  Get in teleporter to go to school / work.
8:15  a.m.-9:00  a.m.  Get in classroom / where you work.
9:00  a.m.-2:00  p.m.  Work at job / work at school.  Lunch at 12:00.
2:00  p.m.-6:00  p.m.  Get to your house and follow the rules but do what you want to.
6:00  p.m.-7:00  p.m.  Eat dinner.
7:00  p.m.-7:15  p.m.  Take a break after eating.
7:15  p.m.-11:59  p.m.  Do what you want but follow the rules.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Rules

These are the rules of my utopia:
  1. You cannot commit murder.  Because it is wrong to kill living things.
  2. You have to be indoors by 12:00 a.m.,unless authorized otherwise.  So people do not cause trouble.
  3. You must recycle.  So the utopia does not get polluted.
  4. Show other people respect and kindness.  So people do not get in fights and hurt feelings.
  5. No stealing.  Because you don't take what is not yours.
  6. Do not abuse animals.  Because it will hurt them and hurting living things is wrong.
  7. All factories must be solar-powered.  To avoid pollution.
  8. Do not vandalize or destroy property that isn't yours.  Because it isn't yours and someone won't be happy that you broke or vandalized what is theirs.
  9. No illegal hunting of  animals.  Because it would rid the utopia of its animals.
  10. You must attend school through high school and go there every school day unless you are ill.  The people in this utopia are expected to have a good education.